Though most of this blog contains pictures, it's also a detailed account of my life living with three boys. And yes, they are all boys. Hope you enjoy... they're pretty cute (but often smell).
Monday, November 25, 2013
Movie date
As J was out "providing for the family" (aka hunting), cole and I were warm and cuddly watching movies Saturday night!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Apparently cole was showing off his dance moves at school... I see dance-offs in his future... Just like his daddy!!!
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Conversations with Cole
Me: what do you want for Christmas?
Cole: umm. To wear my costume.
Me: ok... What about for a present? A you? Puzzle?
Cole: to wear my costume.
Apparently we will be hitting up the post Halloween sale.
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
First Time Moms
I had to post this. Too funny not to.
Luvs (diapers) just came out with a bunch of new spots that talk to Second Time moms. In truth, the change shown (you'll understand once you watch) really happens around 9 months. BUT, those first 9 months... yep, very true!
Hope you enjoy and get a giggle out of these!
Luvs (diapers) just came out with a bunch of new spots that talk to Second Time moms. In truth, the change shown (you'll understand once you watch) really happens around 9 months. BUT, those first 9 months... yep, very true!
Hope you enjoy and get a giggle out of these!
Reasons My Son is Crying
I love to follow Reasons My Son is Crying on twitter and online (click here). Not sure why, but it makes Cole seem all the more "normal" when he has melt downs for NO APPARENT REASON!
So with that said, I had to share the pic / story below:

Reason Cole is crying: He was hitting me with a shoe when I told him he couldn't have candy. I told him only nice boys can have candy. This is him crying as he swears he's a good boy... while continuing to hit me with his shoe.
So with that said, I had to share the pic / story below:
Reason Cole is crying: He was hitting me with a shoe when I told him he couldn't have candy. I told him only nice boys can have candy. This is him crying as he swears he's a good boy... while continuing to hit me with his shoe.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Soon to be Three boys
Even though my last post reference ld my two boys (J and Cole), we will be adding a third one to the mix this coming April. Good thing we are well stocked on hockey sticks, cars, tools and other non-pink-ruffled-glittered toys.
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