

Though most of this blog contains pictures, it's also a detailed account of my life living with three boys. And yes, they are all boys. Hope you enjoy... they're pretty cute (but often smell).


Thursday, August 5, 2010

5 Month Update

I found this on a few other blogs and I thought it would be a fun thing to add instead of my weekly updates… Might not be as often but it’s a little more detail for you (whether you want it or not).

How far along?: 5 Months; aka 20 weeks; aka HALF-WAY THERE!

How big is baby? Carlos is about 10.6 ounces but at last check-up he/she was measuring about a week larger… everything is in weeks with these guys!

Maternity Clothes? I tried to keep my regular jeans/pants as long as possible but the belly band is not as comfortable as advertised. GAP Maternity Long and Leans are now my most favorite thing in my closet. I’m thinking about breaking them out post-pregnancy!

Stretch marks? Not sure if I like this question…

Sleep: I haven’t had any problems yet. Even the nightly pee breaks have slowed down. I will say my dreams have been a lot more vivid and active over the past few months. What’s odd about them is the fact that they are SO normal. I dream about friends, yoga, work – nothing crazy or spectacular. Just going to a yoga class… how I normally would check-in and get ready to start class. The one thing that always amazes me is that I’m pregnant in all my dreams! I’m laughing it up at dinner (dream style) with all my friends and then saying to “drink up – I’m sober cab tonight”. Guess my subconscious isn’t as creative as I thought!

Movement: Little bits here and there though I’m wondering if that’s just a reaction to the DQ or Sour Patch Kids. I’m anxiously waiting for the day the kid really kicks me so I know he’s/she’s there… and so J can feel them.

Food cravings: Had my first real craving the other night. At about 9:45 we went to Rainbow to get a jar of Apple Sauce. I just couldn’t stop thinking about it so we went and got it. Wasn’t as good as I had imagined but it still did the trick.

What I miss: I think it’s still pretty early to really miss anything… Plus there are so many great substitutes out there: O’Douls, decaf coffee, veggie Jimmy Johns... The only thing that I miss is Hot Yoga. I’m still practicing on my own but I miss the 95-105 degree heat and all the postures that I can no longer do.

What I am looking forward to: Near future response: Finding out what Carlos is… Then I can stop writing “he/she” – it just doesn’t sound right.

Milestones: Umm, half-way point! Pretty damn exciting!

Say What?: Oddly enough I haven’t had very many comments. People are staring a little bit more… women tend to smile at me (“how you doing”) but no one has really said anything.

Oh, and THIS: I know past-pregnant women will hate me but this has been pretty easy. I never got sick, the heartburn hasn’t kicked in yet, I’m sleeping comfortably and the prego-brain is getting better. The only thing that frustrates me is the inability to control my moods at times. It’s not all the time but there have defiantly been nights were I go from HIGH to LOW. Most of the time I realize that it’s just my hormones making my head spin so I go for a bike ride or do something to work out the blahs… Again, this isn’t an all the time thing so this will (hopefully) be the last time you have to read this.

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