

Though most of this blog contains pictures, it's also a detailed account of my life living with three boys. And yes, they are all boys. Hope you enjoy... they're pretty cute (but often smell).


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Sorry for interrupting your normally scheduled Cole post but I had to write a little something about gal pals:

Recently I received a save-the-date facebook message for our 10 Year High School Reunion. Yikes! We all knew it was coming but it was shocking just the same. So I did what any girl would do... I sent a mass email to all my gals to see what the consensus was: Going or Not Going?

What's followed is probably the best day of email chains possible. I will not post any of the messages - we're very immature and catty when together... virtually or otherwise - but what I took away from it all is this: I'm so fortunate to have a group of girls, whom I've known for most of my life, that I can openly admit (and not feel guilty) the lower, more shallow parts of my personality. I'm even more fortunate that there is no judgment pushed back on me... That there is compliance on their part!

I love the banter, the harmless teasing, the amazing one-liners... I swear a few of these ladies should be comedians.

So ladies, thank you for giving me something to look forward to in-between meetings.

And for the people not on the email chain: A decision has yet to be made.

[Ok - one little snippet that made me laugh the hardest this morning]

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