

Though most of this blog contains pictures, it's also a detailed account of my life living with three boys. And yes, they are all boys. Hope you enjoy... they're pretty cute (but often smell).


Thursday, June 16, 2011

So How's It Going?

I know you all are dying to know how my new job is going...

It's great!

I'm working on all the fashion stuff (including the designer exclusives for Target) and then any licensing partnerships (like Cars... or super hero stuff)!

The ladies here are amazing... I say ladies because there isn't a single guy on the planning team... and I've been busy from day 1. This can be scary at times... I've thought about making a name tag that says "first week" on it... But I think it's better then sitting here with nothing to do, looking through old presentations.

The other GREAT part is that I now have an excuse to look at all my favorite fashion magazines! Vanity Fair, Vogue, Elle, In Style... It's research. I have to read them!

Other Brittney news: I'm starting a book ensemble (not book club, because that's lame). If you're interested and over the age of 18 (hehe) then click here: D&D Group
Also, if you haven't been on Good Reads before I highly recommend it. There's an app for it too. :)

Hope everyone had a great week thus far!

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