

Though most of this blog contains pictures, it's also a detailed account of my life living with three boys. And yes, they are all boys. Hope you enjoy... they're pretty cute (but often smell).


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Making Me Smile

I just got back from NYC last night - for work, not fun - and I was dreading going back. It's not that I don't like my job, it's just hard to jump back into the stress of it after being gone for so many days. Add to this that fact that Cole is home from daycare (more runny BMs)... I was feeling pretty bad for myself.
I'm not going to get all sappy here, but I'm pretty damn fortunate. I've got a lot of great stuff in my life and I need to start focusing in on that.
So this will be a new weekly post:

Brit's Good JuJus: A Few Favs of the Moment

It's a collection of good stuff that makes me smile. Big and little... in no particular order:

*  Cole crawling his lil' butt over to me when I walked into the door after being gone
*  The fact that J felt guilty watching Fringe without me
* Getting an email that says someone re-pinned something of mine on Pinterest
*  The colors of the fall leaves
*  The BEAUTIFUL flowers my in-laws brought over that match the fall leaves
*  My planner coming into my office this morning, plopping down in my chair, saying "I missed you"
*  The morning pictures of Cole J sent me while I was gone...
*  Fall scarves and boots and sweaters and socks and...
*  Finishing a good book and then rereading it again!
*  Realizing I get to see a lot of old friends this weekend... and partially act like I'm back in college!

What are your good jujus this week? Do ours overlap? You should think about posting/writing yours down somewhere... makes you smile and makes you not think about the not-so-fun-stuff for a minute!

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