

Though most of this blog contains pictures, it's also a detailed account of my life living with three boys. And yes, they are all boys. Hope you enjoy... they're pretty cute (but often smell).


Monday, May 12, 2014

One Month

 Oh Hudson... you cute little thing. I can't believe you're one month old already.

Huddy is...
    [I think] over 11 lbs already
    Grown out of 3 month clothes (he's too long for them)
    Eats 4 ounces about every 2-3 hours
    Sleeps in three hour shifts... 4 if we're lucky
    Loves to cuddle and turns into a tree frog the minute you hold him (chest to chest with arms and legs tucked in tight)
    Has the sweetest disposition - rarely cries
    Loves to be talked to
    Can pretty much hold his head about about 85% of the time
    Hasn't smiled yet, but I think he's close...

    And if you'd like to reference Cole's one month post, click here

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