So here’s an update:
- Wearing size 4 diapers
- (I think) weighs 22 lbs (or more)
- Wearing 18-24 month clothes
- Goes to bed around 7:30 and sleeps until around 6:30am (some days earlier… some later)
- Eating 4 (8 oz) bottles and 4 servings of baby food a day
- Rocking one tooth (bottom middle)
- Army crawling all over the place
- Sitting up on this own
- Instantly pauses when music comes on – totally digs it
- Loves blowing raspberries, clapping, playing patty cake and chewing on his tongue
- So stinking sweet – rarely cries (unless he’s hungry or over-tired)
- Still has this amazingly raspy laugh
- Likes to bounce in his jumper… or where ever he can
- Still thinks Cole is the best thing EVER!
- Loves balloons and the Christmas tree
Is honestly such a great lil’ babe. He loves to laugh and
smile, is still a nuzzler, wakes up cooing and clapping – is just an awesome
I’m so excited to see how he develops. I putting my money on him keeping
his mild attitude – I think he’s going to be my gentle giant that doesn’t get riled
up easily. I do think he’s going to be bigger than Cole… God help me and my
grocery budget!
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