

Though most of this blog contains pictures, it's also a detailed account of my life living with three boys. And yes, they are all boys. Hope you enjoy... they're pretty cute (but often smell).


Monday, August 2, 2010

Week 20

We had another great weekend filled with biking, weddings and friends. Not too much detail for you all but here’s a picture from Lindsay’s wedding (she was STUNNING). Notice the only person over 3 ft. tall about to tackle the tower of desserts!

Cantaloupe: 'Los gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies respond best to tastes they've already had via amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you'd like your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch

I'm half-way there! It’s a great feeling but also a frustrating one… I’m not the most patient person so knowing there is still five months is a bit overwhelming. One thing that helps pass the time is the monthly doctor appointments. This next one coming up is especially exciting as we WILL be finding out the sex of the baby… I don’t care if I’m there all day doing toe touches to move that kid around… I’m not leaving until I know! {This is also a nice reminder to put your vote in over to the right}

How’s Jason doing at the half-way mark? Well, he’s started to become the over-protective dad. Examples:

  • Carlos now has taste buds so I’m required to lay-off the DQ and O’Douls (don’t want ‘Los getting a “taste” for beer this early on)
  • Our cat Lewis is no longer allowed to lay on my stomach as J thinks he’s squishing the baby
  • On that note I’m not allowed to push on my stomach for the same reason
  • A co-worker got Chicken Pox so I was forced to call the doctor for any preventative steps (even though I knew there wasn’t any AND I’ve already had them)

I can’t wait to see how this list grows over the next five months (and over the next twenty years if we have a little girl)!

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