

Though most of this blog contains pictures, it's also a detailed account of my life living with three boys. And yes, they are all boys. Hope you enjoy... they're pretty cute (but often smell).


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lent and Other Stuff

I'm not a church-goer. I have no problem with church, I just haven't been in a while. So when I was asked at work what I was giving up for lent I didn't really have an answer. I don't think I've participated before.

Now before you start judging the rest of this post for one reason or another, take a step back, inhale - exhale, and just go with it. 

So this year I decided that I would give something up. The problem is there isn't too much I WANTED to give (yes, I realize that's not really the point of lent... stop judging) - after being pregnant I wasn't going to give up alcohol... or coffee... already did that for nine months! I don't really eat sweets or drink pop... and I'm not a big snack person. So what does that leave?

For lent I'm giving up excuses.

I will no longer use the "I just had a baby" or the "it's just not the right time" excuses for the next forty days (I'll even observe these on Sundays, even though they are off-days).

So starting last night I did some crunches. Tonight I will spend some time on the treadmill. Tomorrow, since I don't have to work, I will do my Tracy Anderson video and work on my business plan.

Other stuff:

  • Jason comes home in two days!!!! 
  • I started swaddling Cole again... he wasn't sleeping through the night... since returning to that magical piece of fabric he is going down at 10pm and sleeping until 6:30am!
  • I'll be back to teaching yoga on Sunday mornings April 10th
  • Cole is holding onto rattles - not for a super long time but it's still a great development 
  • We have another friend who is prego - that makes 6 now - babies everywhere this fall

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brit - love your blog - I just spent the last half hour reading through your posts! Brings me right back to when Annie was Cole's age :)

    No worries about the swaddle, btw - Annie rolled a few times before we unswaddled her but never did at night. You'll know when he's ready to be done because he'll get out of it! That happened around 4 months for us and that time she was fine - every other time we tried was a nightmare! You do whatever you need to do to get yourself and that baby some sleep :)

    Oh, and with regards to your last post about the life project - I totally use my own blog for that - my hubs just surprised me and made a book out of my blog posts from Annie's 1st year - best gift ever!
