

Though most of this blog contains pictures, it's also a detailed account of my life living with three boys. And yes, they are all boys. Hope you enjoy... they're pretty cute (but often smell).


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cole Update

For all the pictures I post, I haven't really done a "Cole Update" in a while... So here it goes:

Cole is....
  • Getting SO big - We had to bring him in to the doctor last week and he's now weighing 11 lb. 8 oz
  • Why the doc? His little tear duct is clogged so we had to get drops for him... small infection
  • Changing his sleep schedule daily - some nights he's a champ and lets me and J sleep most of the night - Other nights (like last night) he's WIDE awake and not wanting to sleep
  • Starting to smile more - This morning he decided to not eat his normal amount and as I started to get frustrated, he broke out a full-blown smile assault - I was helpless - this will be a problem
  • Showing us how strong he is by standing up (when you rest him against your chest or BARELY hold under his arms) - Some days he fusses until you let him "walk around" - I can see the next purchase will be a bouncer
  • Now to big for 0-3 outfits and even some 6 month onsies - he's too long for them
  • Following objects, mainly people, with his eyes
  • Oh so handsome!

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