Cole is...
- Sleeping 6-7 hours a night
- Talking and smiling more and more
- VERY aware of his surroundings
- Eating about 30 oz. a day
- Rocking side to side when he lays on his back
- Holding his head up with very little bobbing
- Batting at his mobile (I think it's on purpose but maybe not)
- Developing an adorable sad face: full on lower lip pout and alligator tears
- Oddly in love with getting his diaper changed
- Loving baths but hating getting out after
- Wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes due to his long body
- Starting daycare in two weeks
- Making Jason and me laugh on regular basis
Cole and his Teddy - 2 Months Old
Behind the scenes of the 2 Month Old photoshoot:
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