

Though most of this blog contains pictures, it's also a detailed account of my life living with three boys. And yes, they are all boys. Hope you enjoy... they're pretty cute (but often smell).


Monday, November 1, 2010

Guest Blogger Monday

Guest blog writer Jason Rogowski here.

Feeling pretty good on this Monday morning after a couple big wins by the Pack, the complete collapse of the Vikings (including watching Favre act like he died after getting a little scratch on his chinny-poo), and a very productive last few weekends getting the house ready for the little Tasmanian Devil. We had an awesome dinner Saturday night with the Pugh's celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary. In the spirit of Halloween we took them to Forepaugh's in St. Paul, which is haunted according to a fable of lust, suicide and lovers scorned. Nothing too weird happened but we did have a screaming 2 year old next to us so she must have been spooked by something. Or just a brat. Spooky.

The dinner was also a "thank you" to the Pugh's for taking the renegade grey tiger for an extended stay with them - never thought I'd say this but it's just not the same putting on my socks in the morning without fear of losing a toe. But, now the carpets are all cleaned of cat hair and the nursery is basically ready to roll. This has to be one of the only times Brittney and I are prepared for something more than one day (or 10 minutes) in advance. I guess looming parenthood has already changed us some.

Speaking of change I also attended my first full blown yoga class Sunday morning. I knew it was not going to be a picnic and I was right. What a great workout for the whole body - and I was very impressed with the instructor. She is definitely a natural in that environment and it was fun to listen to all the people thank her after class, even though I was balled up in the corner trying not to vomit.

Looking ahead the house is getting a bit of a makeover with a new furnace and some new windows. We haven't had heat for the last week because the old rust bucket hit the fritz once and for all. And the windows and doors will make the winter a little more bearable by eliminating the breeze through the living room. After that I will be off to the motherland to fill the freezer and once again provide for the family. This year's harvest will be of utmost importance, as I expect Bone Jr. to be eating venison by age 3 weeks. Venny sticks by age 2 months.

Hope everyone has a good hunt if that applies to you. Otherwise, enjoy the last bit of fall before Thanksgiving and the most wonderful holiday of them all. 'Tis soon the season to put in Christmas Vacation and play on an endless loop.

Clark W. Griswold, out.

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